Writing makes you think deeper

When I sit down to write, I often find myself lost in the vast universe of my thoughts. It’s kind of a cognitive exercise – one that gives me mental clarity. Writing helps me to think deeper about something that I really care about and that gives me a better understanding of myself.

Writing forces me to slow down my thoughts thereby getting rid of my anxiety. It’s like being in a state of trance where I am focused about thinking deep about a specific topic of interest.

To write is to think – John Steinbeck

When I articulate my thoughts into words, it often leads to unexpected discoveries about what I truly believe or feel or what I really care about. The process of organizing my thoughts and ideas in a way that can be explained logically is complex, yet creative.

The reflective nature of writing allows me to revisit old beliefs and perceptions. It provides me an opportunity to think from a different point of view which often leads to insights and perspectives that I have never considered before.

Binary Reflections – the name

The very name of this blog – Binary Reflection, is inspired by the thoughtful nature of writing. I wanted a name that has some element of technology in it yet generic enough that I can write about a diverse range of topics without being restricted to technology alone.